The Jonathan Effect: Helping Kids and Schools Win the Battle Against Poverty

Book cover graphic for review of The Jonathan Effect by Mike Tenbusch


Bethany Herron
Instructional Designer
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The Purpose of the Book | The Perspective | The Key Points | Details We Love | Considerations | Who Should Read This?


The Purpose of the Book

Urban youth living in poverty often endure a multitude of traumatic experiences. Author Mike Tenbusch witnessed this firsthand while serving as vice president of the United Way in Detroit, Michigan. He wrote The Jonathan Effect for the sole purpose of helping urban youth overcome the challenges that come with living in poverty. Though it may seem like a daunting task to the outside world, Tenbusch shares practical steps and real-life stories to empower the Church to make real and lasting change through relationships.


The Perspective

“I could be anywhere in the world right now, but I’m choosing to be here with you because there’s something in you I find valuable.” 

Tenbusch believes that it is the job and privilege of God’s people to make a purposeful difference in the lives of those who are hurting. He writes from a Christian worldview, focusing on the impact that godly relationships can have when it comes to bringing restoration in urban schools and communities. This impact is affectionately referred to as “The Jonathan Effect.” 

The author affirms that individuals are made in the image of God and have intrinsic worth from their Creator. He believes that, as relationships are built, students are empowered to recognize their value and become agents of change within their own schools and communities.


The Key Points

The title, “The Jonathan Effect,” is based on the biblical story of the friendship between King David and Jonathan. In Scripture, we see that Jonathan’s intentionality had a profound impact on David’s life. Jonathan saw David’s potential and believed in him, even when others doubted him. He offered unwavering support, standing by David’s side in both triumphs and trials. Jonathan’s loyalty, selflessness, and genuine care created a safe space for David to grow and thrive. This story reminds us of the power of true friendship in someone’s life – the Jonathan Effect. By being a source of unwavering support, belief, and encouragement, we can positively impact students, helping them discover and unleash their potential, just like Jonathan did for David.

There are four specific strategies that Tenbusch believes a Christian should exhibit in a mentoring-type relationship.

1. A Growth Mindset

Help students develop a growth mindset by setting smart goals with them. Encourage them to see that failure is less a setback and more an opportunity to learn and grow. Show them that they have the ability to overcome challenges and achieve their dreams through perseverance and a positive attitude.

2. Identity and Purpose

Break the internal narrative that tells students they are unworthy by providing unwavering support and belief in their potential. Just as Jonathan supported David in his future identity as king, we can remind students of their inherent worth as image bearers and help them embrace their unique purpose. We can encourage them to live out their identity confidently, knowing that they are valuable and capable of making a difference in the world.

3. A Father’s or Mother’s Love

Recognize that many students may not have experienced the love of a parent figure. Build authentic relationships with students and demonstrate a healthy model of love, treating them with the same care and affection you would give to your own child. By showing them unconditional love and support, you inspire them to live differently and break the cycle of brokenness in the next generation.

4. Trust and Forgiveness

Foster a culture of trust within the community, teaching students to trust in themselves and in others. Create a safe and supportive environment where they feel comfortable taking risks and learning from their mistakes. Emphasize the importance of forgiveness, both for themselves and others, as a way to promote healing and growth in relationships.


Details We Love

The Jonathan Effect is packed with reasons why meaningful, intentional, deep relationships are vital for youth to escape generational poverty. At True Charity, we believe that deep relationships have the power to transform lives. We always recommend that current affiliations, such as self, family, and friends, are seen as primary in empowering change. Yet, when these relationships do not exist or are not healthy, it is the responsibility of God’s people to step in and build solid bonds with those we serve. These relationships are meant to be mutually beneficial in which individuals are spurring one another towards a flourishing life. 

For more information on how to develop meaningful relationships, we recommend looking at The Mentoring Model Action Plan. (Not a True Charity Network member? Learn more about Model Action Plans here.)



This book is primarily written for those in an urban context where many individuals live in parentless or single parent homes. Individuals serving in areas where parents are present but in need of development, might consider not only building relationships with students but also strengthening family relationships. Our friends at Good Dads have a specific curriculum developed to strengthen family relationships through the local school system. (Not a True Charity Network member? Learn more about the benefits of Network membership here.)

It is also important to note that Tenbusch touches on racial reconciliation within his book. There are many differing viewpoints within this area, so readers should be ready to tackle that topic in accordance with their personal convictions. 


Who Should Read This?

This book was written primarily for Christians. It is a call for the people of God to build intentional, long-term relationships with the youth within their communities’ schools. Though it is written for a faith audience, organizations that are interested in bringing change through their local schools will find the practical strategies presented in this book to be beneficial. 


“The Jonathan Effect” can be purchased on Amazon. If you purchase the book through this link, True Charity will earn a small amount as an Amazon Associate.




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