Don’t Reinvent the Wheel: Learning From Others in Ministry Design

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Nathan Mayo
Vice President of Operations & Programs
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Over the years, I’ve had conversations with hundreds of ministry leaders who admit that they did as much harm as good in the early years of their work with the materially poor.

That’s understandable. Much of the learning we do in many areas of life is trial and error–and while legitimate and useful, it shouldn’t be our only approach.

Take medicine, for instance. True, research and technological advances are based on researched, refined, and perfected theories. But no one would allow a doctor to treat them if they learned he or she spent years making mistakes and was “just now getting the hang of it.” We rightfully expect medical professionals to avail themselves of medicine’s best practices in order to render the best possible care. That approach demands they take advantage of knowledge gained from other professionals doing the same thing. 

In similar fashion, many church and nonprofit leaders have discovered much of their trial and error could have been avoided had they taken advantage of the knowledge and skills developed by others doing the same work in other parts of the country. 

Indeed, if we want our ministries to be healthy, proactive learning from others doing similar work is essential. In other words, we shouldn’t waste time “reinventing the wheel.” Starting with ideas that have worked elsewhere–even if they could be improved–is far better than ignoring others’ wisdom and experience. Indeed, learning from their success doesn’t stifle creativity, it fuels it. Sadly, despite theoretical consensus on that point, too many of us act as though we’re the first person to run a benevolence ministry or developmental class. Therefore, we start everything from scratch. Here are a few ways to avoid that trap:

1)    Make Learning an Essential, Non-negotiable Priority.

The tyranny of the urgent makes holding to this difficult. However, we must realize making time to learn is foundational to humbly regarding others as more important than we are (Phil. 2:3). If we believe that’s the case, we’ll take advantage of every bit of wisdom needed to serve them well.

Valuing others also means valuing the insights of those doing the same or similar work. It readily admits “I don’t have all of the answers” and freely seeks out those who may have wisdom to share. As Proverbs 12:15 says, “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice.” Thus, while making time to listen to wise counsel is a spiritual discipline that requires time and energy, in the end it will pay big dividends. 

It’s also important to schedule learning ahead of time. That may mean blocking off a few days for strategic planning once a year and a morning every month for research. At a minimum, be intentional about learning from others every quarter.

2)    Lay a Solid Theoretical Foundation.

When wading through a sea of information based on others’ experience, you need a way to sift the wheat from the chaff. Start by familiarizing yourself with important biblical passages that deal with compassion, mercy, justice, and charity. Isaiah 58, Matthew 25, and 1 Timothy 5 are good places to start. Reinforce that with good books that articulate God’s story of change like When Helping Hurts and Becoming Whole. Round that out with resources from other disciplines like psychology, economics, business, and sociology. Check out this library of book synopses and add some to your reading list.

3)    Learn What Similar Ministries are Doing.

None of our ministries are truly independent of each other. We’re all “franchises” of God’s mission and should freely share what we’ve learned with other “franchisees” in hopes they will do the same. 

Every time you want to start something new ask, “Who else is doing this?” While it can be challenging to find ministries doing it right, your theoretical foundation will help identify them. Because of how important we think sharing wisdom is, we’ve assembled extensive resources to help in your search. One such resource is our database of ministry features. Many leaders in that database are happy to take a call or let you tour their facility to learn how they operate.

Conferences are a great place to uncover best practices for specific ministry models like rescue missions, community development, or pregnancy resource centers. If you’re interested in effective service to the materially poor in the U.S., you can take advantage of our national conference for effective charity.

4)    Adapt Best Practices to Your Situation.

Culture, demographics, and resources vary, so every model should be adapted to your setting. In most regions, it’s possible to find ministries working in a similar context, which will make adapting their model easier. 

In the U.S., models like awards for growth programs, transitional housing, entrepreneur kids clubs, and work shuttles have been successfully adapted by numerous organizations. Refined out-of-the box programs like Faith and Finances will also enable you to run an excellent class from day one. In other words, innovation builds on innovation. 

How can you tell if a transplanted program is working? Our members have found intentionally measuring outcomes is the quickest way to discover what’s effective.

5)    Share What You’ve Learned.

It is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35). As you innovate, you’ll have plenty to share with leaders new to their ministries. That might involve having lunch with a new leader, speaking at a ministerial alliance meeting, or being quick to forward copies of operational documents. 

You may think lessons you’ve learned aren’t that special or won’t be helpful to others. That’s why it’s important to remember, perfection is the enemy of progress. If your model is good enough for you, someone else can learn from it. While it’s wise to restrict third parties from using your name (i.e. logos and phrases that would cause confusion about whether another ministry is operating under your management), you should feel free to release ideas with an open hand. In doing so, you’ll share in the growth of the Kingdom.

At the True Charity Network, we believe so strongly in these ideas that we’ve assembled a robust platform of resources to help you maximize your potential. In partnership with members who have learned from their mistakes, we’ve put together step-by-step guides for innovative models like food co-ops, affordable Christmas markets, and earn-it projects. In addition, digital toolkits are available to help with case management, outcomes measurement, and trauma-informed care. In other words, we are committed to serving you as a clearinghouse for ideas and effective models by “asset mapping” the effective charity movement.



This article is just the tip of the iceberg for practical resources available through the True Charity Network. Check out all the ways it can help you learn, connect, and influence here.

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