Helping people escape poverty through development often requires education.
Building effective classes from scratch is extremely time consuming and it could take many years to refine the content.
The good news is that there are numerous organizations that produce ready-made classes and licensable programs aligned with True Charity principles. The bad news is, they aren’t easy to find, and even when you find them, it’s tough to get the details you need to know whether it’s a good fit for your situation.
That’s why we built a database of recommended classes and programs. We searched high and low to assemble a curated list of the best curricula on a slew of relevant topics. Then we reached out to the providers to find out all the details you need to know (e.g. class structure, cost, and instructor training requirements) and put them into a simple format that lets you quickly see if the class is right for the people you serve.
These are the topics for which we currently have one or more recommended resources:
To gain access to this database, along with loads of other benefits, join the True Charity Network.
To get a sense of what’s in the database, check out this preview of a training program that helps people find a good job for them:
Please note that while this preview is for a web-based class, most classes in the database are designed for in-person instruction.