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The Purpose of the Book

Author Mauricio Miller asserts that the programs and systems in place in the United States are based on failed assumptions and attitudes toward the poor. He offers an alternative approach to poverty alleviation that is focused on the strengths and self-determination of individuals.


The Perspective

Miller’s assertions regarding failed assumptions toward the poor stem from his experience in three relevant domains: 

1) His family’s experience in poverty: Fleeing to the United States in the 1950s with him (age 9) and his sister, Miller’s mother was determined to give them a better life. An intelligent and gifted seamstress, she came for opportunity, not charity or to live in “tolerable poverty.” Her plans derailed as she found it difficult to find and keep gainful employment because of others’ assumptions that their poverty was their fault, that they were “lazy, dumb, or dependent on the government.” 

Miller’s family and others he knew were hard-working and resourceful rather than “victims waiting for saviors, but he witnessed the system’s “disdain for low-income families, primarily the parents…” even though his mother made a lifetime of sacrifices to create a better life for him. 

Miller witnessed perverse incentives through the lens of his sister. Instead of benefitting from her initiative to leave an abusive husband and working to support her children, “…the safety net failed her,” becoming a barrier when she began to strive. Miller learned through this that the “less you have, the more you qualify.” He was motivated to find an alternative where those in similar circumstances could get a choice of benefits for the initiative taken toward independence.

2) His education: Miller’s mother worked multiple jobs to save for Mauricio’s college at U.C. Berkeley, where his views on and response to poverty continued to form. His college attendance was at the height of 1960s activism and the beginning of the War on Poverty. Particularly inspired by the Black Pride movement and their ability to organize and encourage each other, their desire to control their own future left an indelible impression on him.  

3) His nonprofit work and leadership: During graduate school, Miller joined the nonprofit AND (Asian Neighborhood Design), where he would later serve as Executive Director for 20 years. Using their architectural and design expertise, AND renovated buildings for nonprofits joining LBJ’s War on Poverty. They recruited kids in gangs to work, teaching them construction skills as a way out of gang life. It was during this time that he “saw fundamental flaws in how the war on poverty was being waged.” The program required that they accept the neediest individuals, which incentivized kids to commit crimes and live on the streets to get chosen. Miller saw that help seemed reserved for those who were getting into trouble rather than those who were trying to stay out of trouble. Clients had to show their worst side rather than their talents.

Miller found that more financial support was available for AND if he implied to government funders that parents were “disengaged, uncaring, or incapable” and that the participants were more at-risk and needy. The organization was incentivized to view people based on deficits and communicate that to funders. He became frustrated with the system, resenting having to please funders instead of doing what was right for clients.

Miller’s experiences ignited his enthusiasm for an alternative solution. The systems in place were not good for him and his family as immigrants, for the activists he encountered who sought control over their lives, or for the kids attempting to get out of gangs in his nonprofit work.


:The Key Points

Replacing A Deficit View

Miller addresses “Our Fundamentally Flawed System,” stating the prevailing “deficit view” of low-income families neither allows for initiative and talent to be discovered nor invested in. This focus on needs rather than contributions creates a “race to the bottom” instead of the top. Further, Miller addresses the damage caused by the “Us and Them” mentality between professionals and those in poverty. Woven through his experiences is his recognition for an alternative solution that must:

  • Recognize peoples’ resourcefulness and strengths: discover, then match people’s efforts
  • Let people learn their own lessons: don’t intervene to save them from every “bad idea”
  • Give the benefit of the doubt: assume parents are engaged and capable; trust them until they prove otherwise
  • Incentivize growth: give more to those who are growing, not those who are becoming worse off
  • Build community: help people rely on their peers and bolster existing personal relationships
  • Use technology for people to record progress toward goals and share ideas

Three Alternative Components

In the second section, Miller recommends “Putting Families in the Driver’s Seat.” In 2001, Miller began doing this through the Family Independence Initiative (rebranded later to UpTogether), focusing on:

  1. Control – well-intentioned workers must relinquish control to families to lead their own change. Although they can assist with engagement, a hands-off approach is a must.
  2. Choices – Often, people in poverty have limited choices. The alternative solution offers matching funds to committed families in order to increase their options. 
  3. Community – Success stems from people working together rather than individually, so the alternative honors and supports group effort. 

Implementation Ideas

Miller details specifics of his “Alternative”:

Self-recruiting Those interested in improving their lives recruit others who are interested in doing the same. Groups hold each other accountable through regular meetings. An UpTogether liaison meets with them monthly to hear their stories, goals, and challenges.

Data collection and verification When families enroll, UpTogether collects baseline data on categories such as income, expenses, food stamps, bank accounts, debt, credit score, child support, education, skills, health, housing, and civic activities. UpTogether staff verifies data quarterly through documents like pay stubs, bank accounts, and report cards.

Journaling system Families enter data in a cloud-based system each month, a much cheaper and more sustainable option than having a paid employee enter the information. Tracking their own progress provides instant feedback; they see the results in real-time (i.e., a graph showing the income line going up or down). They can also see the progress of their cohort, as well as the general progress of other groups, offering an element of competitiveness.

Online Community Similar to other social networking platforms, provides an online community of support for participating families as they connect, form groups, discuss topics, and make recommendations.

Resource Hub In exchange for the information and the time it takes families to provide it, UpTogether pays families (approximately $100/month) or gives scholarships. Additionally, UpTogether offers a Resource Hub where families are given a choice of additional awards. Some examples are matching funds for dollars saved, assistance with college tuition, or low-interest loans. They also offer a Family Time Fund for families to save and receive matching dollars for spending quality time together. This not only strengthens family relationships but is also more cost-effective than paid staff taking youth on a trip or to an event.


Details We Love

We agree with Miller that the “deficit view” of people is undignifying. Because every person has unique giftings as God’s creation, we should get to know them and find their strengths rather than focusing on their dysfunctions or comparing their situation to another’s. Miller’s family experienced difficulties caused by assumptions made regarding his family’s poverty; we agree that poverty fighters should be observant but without assumption.

Miller’s alternative focuses on strengthening relationships of family and close friends. He states, “Our society takes family and community for granted but it shouldn’t…personal loving relationships are far more transformative than social programs – and they cost a lot less, too.” We agree that these relationships should be the primary source of help rather than interventions by institutions or outsiders. According to Miller, “Working with and empowering families, parents, extended family or guardians is the future of social work.”

Miller has a profound understanding of the importance of social capital since he has experienced varying levels of socioeconomic status. As he rose above poverty through education and work, he began to benefit from his new-found connections, from gaining employment, to good restaurants, to getting a dog. 

Miller’s Alternative emphasizes collecting data to drive motivation and measure success. We also recommend that poverty-fighting organizations measure outcomes to ensure they are reaching their goals.  

True Charity Network members have access to the Outcomes Toolkit, a booklet containing detailed guidance on how to transition to measuring long-term impacts, such as stable housing, employment, education, and family reunifications. Non-members, learn more about our Toolkits!



While Miller offers valid and devastating critiques of the current approaches to poverty alleviation, his own solutions seem more limited in application than he admits. The prevailing theme throughout the book is that poor families always have solutions to their own problems and need no outside guidance, just a little connectivity and social capital. This doesn’t address demographics that are under-equipped to solve their own problems without any guidance, such as the severely addicted, the chronically homeless, young adults aging out of foster care, and the intergenerational poor. While these people also have assets and capabilities, it stands to reason that they need more guidance or conditional assistance than some of the families Miller works with.

Miller’s solutions are strongly informed by his personal experience as a second-generation immigrant. But his own experience proves that his family was more the exception than the norm. Even though Miller felt his family was utterly failed by the poverty alleviation field, he ended up attending an elite university within a decade of arriving in the country. If all poor families were like Miller’s, intergenerational poverty would be practically nonexistent. As evidenced by the fact that they left their home country to make a better life for themselves, immigrants tend to have an exceptional drive towards rising out of poverty and nearly always succeed for their children if not for themselves.

Miller’s experiences with the highly motivated poor continued with the community he organized through UpTogether (founded in immigrant-dominated California). Since UpTogether relies on referral recruiting by motivated participants, it tends to build a community of people very similar to Miller’s family. This is no doubt excellent for the participants, and we have no issues with building self-selected communities committed to growth. However, this does mean that just because Miller’s system of no-strings cash and community may be exactly what his mother needed, that does not prove it will work as a first step for people who have been dependent on welfare for generations.

Miller expresses indignation at characterizations of some of the poor as lacking work ethic (such as former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich’s claim that “Really poor children in really poor neighborhoods have no habits of working and have nobody around them who works”). This overlooks that there are different types of people in poverty. Some of whom are the virtuous strivers that UpTogether assembles, and others of whom may lack character or skills. We suspect that significantly increasing no-strings-attached cash payouts in government programs (as the UpTogether website supports) would be especially harmful to the latter.

One other consideration is that, like many in the poverty alleviation field, Miller has strong opinions about word meanings. He objects to calling “the alternative” a program, even though a program is generally defined as a set of related activities with a particular long-term aim. While we understand that he is emphasizing the client-led nature of “the alternative,” refusing to categorize it by standard rules of language makes it more confusing rather than more clear. 

Similarly, he also insinuates that all “charity” is bad: “Charity doesn’t instill pride, and programs led by professionals don’t instill pride or self-confidence.” While we fully agree that much done in the name of charity is counterproductive, by definition, charity is “generosity and helpfulness, especially towards the needy and suffering.” Just because our attempts at helpfulness are often unhelpful doesn’t mean we need to jettison the word any more than medical malpractice means we need to abandon the word “medicine.”


Who Should Read This?

Nonprofit leaders interested in bolstering relationships and focusing on the strengths of individuals will find Miller’s shared experiences, stories, and research motivating. Although there is not a specific spiritual component to The Alternative, church leaders and volunteers may benefit from Miller’s perspective as they help people identify and develop their unique God-given strengths and build social capital.

Miller provides principles behind The Alternative as well as details of how it works. However, it is meant to be shaped by the participants, so the specifics may look different from cohort to cohort or city to city. The information provided is more philosophical and less a step-by-step program, which is helpful for those who want to better understand the barriers immigrants and minorities encounter as they seek a flourishing life. For those who are seeking a program that provides specific courses and detailed guidelines, this book is not for you.


“The Alternative” can be purchased at AmazonIf you purchase the book through this link, True Charity will earn a small amount as an Amazon Associate



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Nathan Mayo
Network Director
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The Purpose of the Book

This field guide aims to uncover the role and contributions of Christians serving the poor through business and economic development referred to as “enterprise solutions to poverty (ES2P).” Because “despite its many contributions to date, the full potential of the Christian community in the enterprise space is still largely untapped. The Christian mainstream is still largely beholden to a charity mindset and a relief model of care that makes enterprise and economic development approaches less compelling or even imaginable.”


The Perspective

The primary authors, Amy Sherman and Josh Yates, have decades of experience in Christian poverty reduction with a developmental lens. However, rather than lean primarily on their own insights, they synthesize the perspectives of the diverse people who make up the ES2P field. They survey and interview people with a wide range of theological and political beliefs, which may differ in their diagnosis of the problems but largely agree on the solutions.


The Key Points


The work begins with a historical overview of Christian contributions to ES2P stretching back to the middle ages. Benevolent Catholic pawn shops offered low interest loans in the 1500’s. Methodist businessman Arthur Guinness offered exceptional working conditions for employees of his breweries in the 1700’s. And faith-based community development corporations strove to improve conditions for African-Americans during the Civil Rights era. Other historical Christian models include microfinance, credit unions, mutual benefit societies, community land trusts, and economic co-ops.

From this rich tradition of serving the poor through business, emerges a dynamic modern landscape of free-enterprise Christians.


Mapping the Field

The authors divide the enterprise solutions field into three segments: Entrepreneurs, Investors, and Capacity-Building Organizations. They provide numerous examples, as well as key trends, insights, and recommendations for each sector. Each segment is also rich with case studies, survey results, and human stories.


1) Entrepenurs 

Entrepreneurial Organizations work directly with the poor to provide them with better paths to employment, business creation, and equity ownership. Note that this definition includes all front-line poverty-fighting organizations and is broader than the conventional definition of entrepreneur. Their models include social purpose businesses, earn-it models, work and entrepreneurship training programs, matched savings programs, and community development corporations, which are locally controlled developers seeking the improvement of a neighborhood for its existing residents, among others.

Trends & Insights: Interest in social entrepreneurship is rapidly expanding and Christians are becoming more involved in the field. Books like When Helping Hurts have accelerated the interest. Participants have a wide range of theological and political perspectives and have mixed opinions on modern capitalism. However, they agree on a holistic definition of poverty, the importance of opportunity, and the dignity of work. They reject the idea that the economy is a “fixed pie” that can only be redistributed.

Recommendations: Church leaders should preach and teach that care for the poor is central to a Christian’s responsibility and leverage congregational assets to build effective outlets for this duty. They should shift their mission funding from income-supplementing strategies to wealth-building strategies.

Domestically, they should explore the promise of wealth-protecting strategies like community land trusts and economic cooperatives. Entrepreneurs should redouble efforts to measure spiritual and social returns.


2) Investors

Investors are Christians who finance entrepreneurs and existing businesses that serve the poor, expecting a joint financial and spiritual return. These investors move beyond the “do no harm” approach of socially responsible investing to an “impact investing” mindset. Their platforms include specialized mutual funds, equity crowdfunding, and solo accredited investors.

Trends & Insights: Interest in impact investing is increasing among Christians but is far from dominant. Christian investors tend to prioritize spiritual returns over social or financial returns. There are few agreed-upon ways to measure spiritual impact, and measuring social impact is still a new concept.

Recommendations: Church leaders should teach that stewardship encompasses “not just your charitable giving, but your full balance sheet.” They should promote ways their congregations can invest for their own futures while simultaneously building the Kingdom of God. There are over 90 investment funds that use faith-driven investing; Christians should be made aware of them.


3) Capacity builders

Capacity builders are organizations that support and coach enterprises. In some cases, they support the poor directly, such as by equipping them to start their own businesses. In other cases, they support ministries that serve the poor such as social enterprises and work training programs. Some also promote and advocate for better government policy. Examples include groups like Jobs for Life, the Chalmers Center (a True Charity partner), the Acton Institute, and the True Charity Network.

Trends & Insights: As in the other two sectors, capacity builders are also expanding rapidly. Enterprises that use capacity builders like business incubators enjoy significantly higher success rates. These incubators are more successful when they focus on “hands-on” instruction and mentoring rather than just classroom assistance. Social enterprises accomplish more social impact when they focus on growing deep roots in their communities, rather than simply scaling as quickly as possible.

Recommendations: Understand the “Redemptive Entrepreneurship” framework as a means to guide social impact. Blend charitable contributions with investment capital to increase investor returns while offsetting costs to philanthropists. Focus business incubation efforts on clear business types to achieve better results.



The report identifies five general barriers to the growth of enterprise solutions to poverty. These include a relief-oriented mindset among congregations and nonprofits, under investment in  employment-oriented programs, and a lack of investment in medium sized enterprises (investment tends to be concentrated on micro businesses and solo entrepreneurs).

The guide also points out that businesses owned by African-Americans tend to have a more difficult time launching and expanding because they have less personal capital and less access to informal capital networks that drive the growth of small businesses.

Finally, they identify an unhelpful “two-pocket” mentality by which Christians expect solely financial returns from their investment dollars and solely social returns from their charitable dollars. While there is room for market-driven investing and philanthropy, there is also a place for “social impact investing” (consciously choosing to accept below-market rate returns in order to equip people in poverty to provide for themselves).

Since American Christians hold 22 times more in investments than they give to poverty-related charities annually, even a small shift of some of those investment dollars to enterprise solutions could have a big impact.


Details We Love

We couldn’t agree more about the problematic nature of a relief-only mindset. Many of our True Charity Network members provide developmental and enterprise-oriented solutions to poverty, such as a work shuttle, education, social enterprises, and earn-it models.

This guide analyzes how each sector measures its outcomes—a critical element of making a real difference and something we strongly encourage our members to do.

We echo the challenge to Christians to view service to the poor and marginalized as integral to their lives, not merely as an isolated fraction of their budget. It’s encouraging to learn that Christians in the past few centuries have pioneered many of the enterprise solutions in this guide. 



The report tends to use the word “charity” as a synonym for “relief,” which we don’t think is necessary. Our conception of “charity” is broader and includes empowerment—and it isn’t new. The Jewish Rabbi Maimonedes proclaimed in the 12th century that the highest level of charity was to help someone find employment “so that he will not need to be dependent on others.”

While we agree that social impact investing can certainly generate better spiritual and social returns when done well, it’s worth noting that normal, ethical investment also generates social returns, and not necessarily at lower rates.

Traditional investments seeking the best return in increasingly trade and investment friendly regulatory environments over the past two centuries has yielded a massive reduction in global extreme poverty from 94% to 10%. The many entrepreneurs, inventors, and investors who facilitated that explosive economic growth may not have always been “socially conscious,” but their positive social impact is beyond comparison. 

We do well to recognize the benefits of the current economic system before we begin work to repair its shortcomings. Some groups interviewed in the report lament that capitalism has failed, but there is a difference between a system with flaws and a system that needs to be jettisoned. All efforts to get the hundreds of millions with wealth to more effectively aid those remaining in poverty need never to lose sight of how we arrived at our current advantageous situation. Generally speaking, Christians should be encouraged to invest more and not merely repurpose existing investments to more socially conscious ends. All ethical investing leads to positive social returns.


Who Should Read This?

This is an interesting read for Christians who want to be better stewards of their whole giving and investing portfolio. Church leaders will benefit from exposure to a wide range of models, perspectives, and frameworks to help them engage congregations on the topic. Poverty fighters may want to skim the well-structured guide and find segments and case studies similar to their line of work and adjacent models that are worth considering.

While the length of this guide is equivalent to a short book at 170 pages, it is available for free online and intended for wide distribution to promote and advance the Enterprise Solutions to Poverty field.


Enterprise Solutions to Poverty field guide can be downloaded for free at



Jeff Lofting
Director of Education
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The Purpose of the Book

Psychotic, delusional, schizophrenic. These words make many feel squirmish. Yet, given the statistics, you are likely to encounter mental illness if you work in some form of outreach or ministry to those in poverty. 50% of the sheltered homeless and 78% of unsheltered homeless individuals suffer from some form of mental health condition. 

Many, including those in ministry to the poor, feel ill-equipped to deal with those experiencing serious mental illness and feel they need to immediately refer struggling individuals to professional mental health services. But, Dr. Matt Stanford, author of Madness & Grace, posits that there is a place for you in the process and seeks to equip lay persons “to better serve and support those suffering with mental illness” (11). He provides “4 Rs”—recognition, referral, relationship, and restoration—that provide a faith-based framework for involvement in mental health care while dealing with misconceptions surrounding the mind and the spirit. 

Dr. Stanford identifies the target audience of Madness and Grace as “pastoral counselors,” and he regularly refers to these individuals as pastors, ministers, and priests. However, those involved in faith-based charity work outside of the walls of a church will undoubtedly find themselves in the role of a pastoral counselor in the lives of those they encounter and serve, perhaps the only person they have ever had to fill this role. Dr. Stanford believes that, if a pastoral counselor can take the right steps to help begin an individual’s journey to recovery from serious mental illness, it can make the process much smoother and help them to avoid potential adverse experiences.


The Perspective

Dr. Stanford is CEO of the Hope and Healing Center and Institute in Houston, TX, and an adjunct professor of psychiatry at Baylor University. He is well-known for his research into the interplay between psychology and faith. His experience goes beyond the academic, though; throughout his extensive career, he has treated individuals with a spectrum of mental health challenges.

As a Christian, Stanford is able to view mental illness from the fullest perspective. He writes to fellow believers to emphasize the importance of engagement by those in the faith community with those who are experiencing mental health issues. He points out research that reveals that those experiencing mental illness do not usually turn first to a physician or a psychiatrist but rather to someone who serves a pastoral role in his or her life. 

He contends that when the pastoral counselor works collaboratively with mental health professionals, it can have enormous benefits for the individual being treated and his spiritual well-being.


The Key Points

Dr. Stanford contends that the 4 Rs of recognition, referral, relationship, and restoration are integral to better serving and supporting the mental and spiritual well-being of those experiencing mental illness. The process occurs through building and maintaining relationships with, not only the one suffering, but with others clinically treating his condition. In each of the Rs, Stanford provides practical tools and resources to equip the lay person for on-going supportive relationships. He includes specific questions, risk factors, and scripture to help support you or the individual with whom you are working.



If you regularly work with those in poverty, you are on the front lines of mental health support. You are in a position to recognize the signs of general mental illness and help direct them to further treatment, if needed. To recognize mental illness, though, we must first understand what it is and is not, as well as what causes it. 

“Mental illness,” also know as a mental disorder, is defined as a “disruption of a person’s thoughts, moods, behavior, and/or ability to relate to others that is severe enough to require treatment or intervention” (17). In our lifetime, all of us will experience disruptions of those aspects listed, but those won’t necessarily require treatment or intervention. According to Dr. Stanford, “only a small percentage of people are ever diagnosed with mental illness” (18). 

Stanford explains that mental illness is a result of living in a fallen world. It’s another example of the brokenness of creation and our need for a “Savior who can heal and make us whole again” (21). More specifically, it results from a complex interaction of the biological and environmental or, in other words, nature and nurture. We are all born with varying genetic predispositions that interact differently with our external experiences, such as poverty, abuse, or military combat. 

There are some common environmental factors, though, that are associated with a higher risk for the occurrence of mental illness. These include physical or sexual abuse or neglect as a child, divorce, financial stresses, substance abuse, lack of social support, and poverty, many of which we can recognize in those served in charitable efforts. Generally, it is a combination of these factors and others that result in serious mental illness. 

Stanford provides a detailed list of common mental illnesses, including ways to identify them and short examples of individuals who exhibit these symptoms. Additionally, he explains the various clinical treatments for serious mental disorders.

As previously discussed, Stanford contends that a lay person can help identify specific mental disorders and direct individuals to appropriate treatment so that care can be expedited. Stanford provides a chapter full of assessment questions to help evaluate whether an individual needs to be referred directly to a mental health professional. 



When an individual meets at least one of the following four situations, it’s necessary to refer them to the appropriate community resource.

    1. Experiencing hallucinations and/or delusions.
    2. Actively abusing alcohol and/or drugs.
    3. Showing signs of significant psychological distress.
    4. In danger of self-harm.

To help the reader understand the assessment process more fully, Stanford provides specific case examples that walk through the question and potential answers. 

Dr. Stanford provides an extensive list of resources and health providers generally available within a community for both crisis and non-crisis situations and practical steps you can take when connecting individuals with mental health resources. 

Stanford makes a point in this section to emphasize the importance of “pastoral counselors” proactively building relationships with mental health providers in their community, such as counselors and psychologists. Many Christians experiencing mental illness are hesitant to engage with a psychologist or counselor who does not understand their faith. Stanford suggests having coffee or a meal with various providers over time will allow you to identify those who will be sensitive and respectful to spiritual issues and affirm the individual’s Christian faith. Additionally, it’s important that the provider understands the continued role that you would desire to play in clients’ treatment, as described in the next R.



Isolation and loneliness are often associated with mental illness. This can sometimes be a result of the interpersonal challenges of the mental illness, but it might also be due to the stigma associated with mental illness. This is why a continued relationship with those receiving treatment is imperative. Although a psychologist can provide help in the realm of the body and mind, your continued spiritual support and guidance can be key to that individual returning to a flourishing life. 

Dr. Stanford discusses practical ways on how to provide spiritual hope and encouragement during one’s treatment, helping to establish an understanding of her identity in the eyes of her Creator. Additionally, he covers how to de-escalate situations in which an individual is distressed or communicating in an illogical manner.



Because you offer hope in your organization or ministry, you will draw those who are in need of hope, including those in mental distress. In this section, Dr. Stanford advocates for establishing mental health ministries that meet the needs of your community. These might include services addressing, addiction, homelessness, and trauma, and can provide frontline support for individuals in need and referring to the appropriate community resources, as needed, while continuing to maintain relationships throughout their treatment. 

In the remainder of this section, Dr. Stanford features a number of ministries meeting various needs with details about how they operate to help inspire establishing similar ministries in your community.


Details We Love

As the subtitle of the book suggests, A Practical Guide for Pastoral Care and Serious Mental Illness, this book provides in-depth information about serious mental illness along with case studies, assessment questions, and suggested actions for various scenarios. It is not only a primer for understanding mental illness from a faith perspective but also a handbook that can be used while working with those experiencing mental illness. This is the kind of practical resource True Charity seeks to identify and provide to those working to positively impact those in poverty. 

The emphasis that Dr. Stanford places on maintaining relationships with those suffering from mental distress is significant and refreshing, including a chapter on how to support family members who are caring for that individual. He also promotes replacing isolation with healthy community, particularly a faith community that rightly understands mental illness rather than stigmatizing it.



The target audience of this book is clergy. As mentioned before, though, we believe that many in poverty-fighting ministries will be able to identify as a “pastoral counselor” to those they serve, and you might be the only person who has ever played this role in their lives. That being said, if you are not in a traditional church pastoral role, there might be some information that you find irrelevant.

Stanford acknowledges the difficult reality that not all people with severe mental illness are capable of working a job that can provide for their needs. In those situations, he refers his readers to various government entitlement programs, such as Supplemental Security Income (commonly referred to as “disability”) as well as government housing vouchers. While we acknowledge that current long-term solutions are scarce for people in these situations, we always encourage leaders to exhaust family, church, and community solutions before relinquishing responsibility to federal programs. 

We believe that assistance is most effective when it is provided voluntarily at the most local level by those engaging the individual with personalized support versus a distant bureaucracy providing impersonal transactional assistance.

Stanford’s book Grace for the Afflicted, is a good supplement to this book for readers who may feel unsatisfied with Stanford’s discussion of the interplay between the spiritual and the psychological. A synopsis of that book can be found here.


Who Should Read This?

Because the target audience is those in the traditional pastoral role at a church, it is highly recommended for pastors and those in a non-licensed pastoral counseling role. Additionally, because mental illness disproportionately impacts those in poverty, we believe those who are actively engaging with those experiencing poverty would greatly benefit from the guidance provided.


Madness & Grace can be purchased at AmazonIf you purchase the book through this link, True Charity will earn a small amount as an Amazon Associate





This article is just the tip of the iceberg for the practical resources available through the True Charity Network. Check out all of the ways the network can help you learn, connect, and influence here.

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Bethany Herron
Instructional Designer
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The Purpose of the Book

Historically, the faith community has correlated anxiety, depression, and other mental health struggles with a lack of faith or demonic, spiritual warfare. Grace for the Afflicted challenges the stigma affiliated with those who suffer from mental health disorders by equipping the church with informed care. 

Early in his book, Matthew Stanford shares Sherry’s story. When interviewed, she shared about a time she went to a local pastor with her bipolar disorder. Instead of providing informed, biblical advice, the pastor told her that he believed she was possessed by demons. Sherry only began to heal when she received her diagnosis. Sadly, Sherry’s story is not atypical. In seeking to address this faulty understanding, Stanford writes to present faith individuals and clergy members with biblical and scientific perspectives on mental health.


The Perspective

The author of Grace for the Afflicted, Matthew Stanford, has written over one hundred peer-reviewed articles in psychology, psychiatry, and neuroscience journals. As CEO of the Hope and Healing Center & Institute in Houston and a leader within his local church, Stanford has seen many individuals struggling with mental health hurt by well-intended believers. He seeks to remedy this issue by providing a biblical and scientific look into the most prevalent mental health issues. Stanford writes to equip believers with a fresh perspective on holistic healing.


The Key Points


1. The Image of God: Mind and Body

Stanford notes that mankind, created in the image of God, is the unification of four parts—spiritual, mental, physical, and relational. He also points out that this unification of being is seen in the person of Christ. However, Stanford states that when Adam and Eve broke their relationship with God in the Garden of Eden, sin marred all four aspects of being. Stanford asserts that the brokenness of the fall, as seen in Scripture, goes beyond the spiritual. Instead, the curse of sin affects man’s spiritual, mental, physical, and relational aspects. Consequently, sin has masked the image of God in man. Stanford notes that though sin has hurt this image, full restoration and recovery are made possible through the person and work of Jesus Christ on the cross.


2. The Role of the Adversary

Stanford takes a quick look into the Bible to explain the role of the Adversary. He explains Satan’s desire to tempt, deceive, accuse, infirm, and possess. However, Stanford recognizes that Satan is a defeated foe in all of this. He explains that the Christian is not to fear the “ruler of the air” because “greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4). Stanford does believe that some, not all, mental illness and infirmity can be caused by the Enemy. However, he also explains that there is no way to decipher between the physical and spiritual causes of an illness. Therefore, he poses that the focus must be on bringing holistic healing through prayer and medical intervention.


3. Most Common Mental Illnesses Overviewed

After presenting the staggering statistic that one in five adults struggles with a mental disorder, the author presents an overview of the most recurring disorders, such as depressive, anxiety, personality, bipolar, and stress-related disorders. Others include trauma, dementia, strokes, traumatic brain injury, and suicide. For each example he shares a real-world scenario of someone suffering from the illness. He also overviews tell-tale symptoms and discusses diagnosis using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, or DSM-5. 


4. Holistic Recovery

After overviewing the DSM-5 and possible biblical cases of most major disorders, Dr. Stanford walks through approaches to holistic recovery. He differentiates between recovery and healing, stating that most mental illnesses cannot be truly healed on earth. However, according to Stanford, “A holistic approach to mental health recovery relieves physical and psychological suffering while revealing the unconditional love and limitless grace available only through a personal relationship with Jesus.” Each recovery plan focuses on meeting physical, mental, spiritual, and relational needs.


Details We Love

The church’s responsibility to truly understand individuals’ mental health needs is one of this book’s greatest takeaways. This understanding releases God’s people to provide “charity without the tongs.” Close, personal, and effective charity instead of charity from a distance.  We hail Stanford’s inspiring drive to change the stigma related to caring for those with mental illness commissioning God’s people to bring holistic healing. 

Stanford’s entire foundation of care begins with man’s inherited imago Dei, or image of God. True Charity, like Stanford, believes everyone deserves to be treated with honor, dignity, and respect because of God’s design. 

Understanding the Church’s role and responsibility to bring healing to the hurting encourages the principle of subsidiarity, which is central to effective charity. Subsidiarity means that those closest to the individual, such as family, friends, and the church, should provide the care an individual needs. Overall, we appreciate Stanford’s pragmatic approach designed to commission the church to bring holistic care and healing to those suffering around them. 



Within his book, Stanford draws conclusions from numerous biblical examples about individuals he believes suffered from mental illness without full knowledge of the individuals’ lives and backgrounds. Some have criticized this approach, arguing that pronouncing diagnoses of mental illnessess without the needed family history, cultural background, and trauma history, among other aspects is not proper practice. Although Stanford does not claim to formally diagnose these biblical figures within the pages of his book, some might contend that even inferred diagnoses might show the use of poor hermeneutics, failing to take into consideration the full historical and cultural context of each scenario.


Who Should Read This?

Grace for the Afflicted serves as a field guide for individuals who desire to effectively serve those suffering from mental illness. According to this book, one in five people face a mental disorder every year. With so many individuals suffering, this book is relevant to church leaders, nonprofit leaders, and practitioners alike. Though written from a faith-based perspective, it offers practical knowledge that would be beneficial for anyone to read. 


Grace for the Afflicted can be purchased at Amazon. If you purchase the book through this link, True Charity will earn a small amount as an Amazon Associate




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The Purpose of the Book

Amy Sherman hopes to encourage and equip Christian leaders who seek to serve their communities as specified in the biblical mandate of Jeremiah 29:7, “Seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.” She wants to call attention to the disconnect between vision and action on the part of local churches and enlighten her readers to more sustainable and life-giving ways of carrying out their mission. She shares biblical, historical, and present-day examples, upon which her readers can improvise for their own context.


The Perspective

From the stance that every Christ-follower is in “exile” while on earth, Sherman guides on ways to be “a counterculture for the common good” – not by attacking or giving in to the moral decay, but by engaging communities with grace and endurance. 

Every person’s true peace is brought about by the health of their relationships with God, self, others and creation. With this in mind, Sherman focuses on Christians as the royal priesthood, called to be the “agents of flourishing” for their communities. Christians are to bless the communities in which they live, and they are to understand and promote an accurate view of what a community’s “flourishing” really means (communion with God, beauty and creativity, learning and discovery, wholeness and health, justice and unity in diversity, and abundance).


The Key Points

Sherman outlines the book so that readers can use it like an encyclopedic resource, dividing the sections into six “community endowments”, based upon the Thriving Cities Group’s “Human Ecology Framework.”

  • The True—public education
  • The Good—social mores and ethics   
  • The Beautiful—the arts/aesthetics, design
  • The Prosperous—economic/business community
  • The Just and Well-Ordered—political/civic life
  • The Sustainable—health/environment

Sherman alerts her reader that the book is not meant to be read from cover to cover by most people, because they will likely already know the specific area (endowment) in their community for which they are equipped to influence. 

Three key takeaways are evident throughout the book:


1. Christians are uniquely equipped to lead communities into flourishing.

Throughout history, the church has been the leader in community development, and will continue to be the true agents of flourishing. For each of the six previously mentioned community endowments, Sherman devotes a chapter to its definition, creational intent, its malformation since The Fall, and the church’s historically positive influence upon it. She then devotes one or more chapters to contemporary examples of how US congregations are contributing positively toward its flourishing. Her vivid examples and their interrelationships with the six endowments are enlightening and informative.


2. The western world’s definition of flourishing has descended into a false impression that almost solely involves material wealth; Christians must debunk this misconception in order for them to effect meaningful and lasting change within their communities.

Sherman devotes her opening chapters to explore the biblical examples of flourishing and calls attention to the ways in which the Old Testament Israelites and the New Testament Christians lived thriving lives. These examples note the glaring fact that opulence was not the mark of true flourishing in the past, and it should not be the sole measurement today. Likewise, modern community flourishing is mirrored in communities through the expressions of peace, justice, unity, creativity, action, and provision within the six endowments.


3. Christian leaders can utilize the resources, skills, and professions they already have within their organizations to readily bless their communities in one or more of the six endowment areas.

Readers will recognize similarities between the example congregations that can help inform which program(s) they should implement and/or improvise upon. While exact replications are unlikely to be the case, most leaders will readily identify areas in which they and their members can get involved.


Details We Love

Sherman fully understands that at the heart of all poverty is broken relationships—with God, self, others, and the environment. That basic understanding of personal flourishing informs her approach to community flourishing. The examples she shares, both modern and historical, hinge on the basic concept of thriving relationships within a community. They are based on the dignity of every human being (the imago Dei) and promote the building of social capital for everyone.

We, at True Charity, believe that good models of charity that help individuals and communities flourish already exist. Sherman shares examples of these models, along with their struggles and successes, so that churches and nonprofits don’t have to “recreate the wheel” in order to get started within their own communities. Her thorough research of modern churches implementing specific strategies helps set a proper foundation for successful approaches.



Agents of Flourishing is a deep read. The opening chapters are replete with biblical examples and research that might scare off the casual reader. However, taking the time to digest Sherman’s thoughtful and wise observations will certainly help frame an uncomplicated plan for churches to engage in community development. Likewise, in order to fully grasp the depth of why the presented models work in each endowment, one must understand the biblical and historical success stories they mirror.

Sherman highlights very different contemporary congregations’ specific work within the endowmentsSome may not implement challenge methods to the degree that we at True Charity would promote (parts of some programs lean toward “hand-out” models). We encourage readers to glean from the overall community approach of these congregations in this case.

Foremost, some readers might differ politically with Sherman in the areas of social justice, racial inequity, and the environment, but we encourage readers to seek and understand the reasons for her examples’ successes within communities, despite these possible political differences.


Who Should Read This?

Any Christian church or nonprofit leader who wants to clarify and implement a comprehensive strategy to actively engage their community would benefit from this book. Its deeply founded biblical principles are at the heart of every approach offered, so leaders desiring a biblical approach to community flourishing and development will find this book a priceless resource.

While any poverty-fighter or community leader would benefit from both the historical and contemporary models presented, non-Christians might take issue with Sherman’s overall approach: Christians as royal priests leading their communities into flourishing.  Also, even though the Thriving Cities Group’s “Human Ecology Framework” is not explicitly Christian, Sherman aligns this framework with Christian and explicitly biblical examples.


“Agents of Flourishing” can be purchased at Amazon. If you purchase the book through this link, True Charity will earn a small amount as an Amazon Associate







Amanda Fisher
Foundations Workshop Coordinator
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The Purpose of the Book

Individuals doing good work in the church and nonprofit realms often claim there is no greater joy than seeing an individual move from poverty to a flourishing life. However, these same good works can also be dangerous to spiritual health; our charity and kindness can have a dark side. In his book, The Spiritual Danger of Doing Good, Peter Greer outlines common pitfalls for Christians dedicated to serving others.


The Perspective

Peter Greer has dedicated his life to serving the poor, authored multiple books, and serves as the President of Hope International. In this deeply transparent work, he invites the reader to learn from his personal journey of “doing good.” He provides a list of warnings and engaging illustrations with the desire that others might not succumb to the temptations that accompany good works.


The Key Points

Greer’s awakening to the dangers of doing good came through the story of the prodigal son. Like most, Greer focused on the younger brother who disobeyed his father, the separation that resulted, and their eventual reunification. But when Greer began to focus on the eldest son, he realized that both brothers were separated from their father because their focus was on themselves. 

He noticed the same tendency toward recognition, among other selfish motives, in himself. Likewise, those who work in the poverty-fighting space can inadvertently become separated from God, and Greer cautions do-gooders to avoid these dangers:


1. Giving Leftovers to Loved Ones:

Ministry leaders are at risk of justifying an unhealthy emphasis on work. The lie regarding ministry that Greer fell for is this: If Serving God Through Service = Good, then Serving God Through More Service = Better. Greer shares “guardrails” he put in place that saved his marriage: be present, regularly evaluate the health of your relationships, limit travel, be watchful of an elevated view of your importance, and invest in friendships.


2. Doing Instead of Being:

Often ministry leaders lose the focus of their original calling – their “why” – and instead focus on the tasks – the “what.” Greer states, “…we can spend our lives giving, serving, and going, but if it is apart from His Spirit, it amounts to a garbage pile of good intentions.” He encourages the reader to think about their “why,” accept God’s grace for anything less than pure intentions, and work to bring the message of that grace to others.


3. Justifying Minor Moral Lapses for a Good Cause:

Ministry leaders can convince themselves that small untruths are acceptable if it benefits the ministry. He reminds us that this is an entitlement mentality and is “morally toxic” – just because a person does good things doesn’t mean they are above the system. He encourages leaders to begin with the small decisions each day, increase the guards around their hearts, and realize the “frailty of [their] own willpower.”


4. Using the Wrong Measuring Stick to Define Success:

As Hope International exploded in growth, they were validated in their good works when the graphs kept moving “up and to the right.” However, when the numbers stalled, they became aware of organizational problems, including, but not limited to, their inaccurate definition of success. This painful experience was an opportunity to gain a new perspective and rebuild with a “fanatical obsession with operational excellence” and “a spirit of humble dependence upon God.”


5. Friendship Superficiality:

People who do good are often put on a pedestal yet have no greater immunity to temptation than anyone else. Investing in relationships and being deeply known builds character and provides accountability. Greer has what he calls his “3 AM” friends – those who he can rely upon no matter the time of day, and he encourages ministry leaders to identify theirs. 


6. Elevating the Sacred Over the Secular:

After college, Greer was ready to jump into full-time ministry overseas. When openings did not arise immediately, he took a secular position and found himself feeling “less-than.” He had created a false hierarchy of importance when it comes to careers, with those in full-time ministry at the top. Creating a dangerous “God-loves-my-job-more-than-yours” mentality, Greer reminds us, “If you are a follower of Jesus, you are already in full-time ministry, no matter where you spend your days.”


7. Thinking You’re the Superhero in Your Story:

In order to satisfy a deep fear that we are not good enough, we tend to crave recognition for our good deeds rather than giving credit to God. Greer advises us to get over ourselves. In our praise-focused culture, we must stop our own self-serving desire for attention and instead uncover God in “small, unseen, and unrewarded acts of compassion.”  


8. Not Having Ears to Hear the Uncomfortable Truth:

Though there is nothing wrong with receiving compliments for good work, we also must be open to honest criticism and be willing to change as a result. Greer contends, “Critics often speak a word of truth we need to hear.” 


9. Forgetting Your True Identity:

Those who do good are often at risk of confusing their work with their identity. Through both personal and biblical examples, Greer reminds us that first and foremost we must remember who God is and our identity in Him is the “only one that will last.” 


10. Thinking Good Things Always Happen to Good People:

“Christian karma” permeates the North American culture and the church. Although good things do not always happen to good people, Greer points out, “[T]he Good Shepherd is still good and invites you and me to be His hands and feet to those in need, even when we don’t have answers to the difficult problem of pain and suffering.” 


11. Seeing Everyone’s Sin but Your Own:

Having served in some of the most impoverished areas of the world, there was a point at which Greer found himself judging the spoiled, wealthy culture of Americans. He wasn’t aware of his sin until a colleague visiting from where he had served overseas pointed out Greer’s own wealth. He encourages ministry leaders to invite people into their life who will point out their blind spots.  


12. Being Obsessed With What Others Think:

Being preoccupied with the approval of others is “detrimental to our faith.” Greer shares his own tendency toward this with a specific example of attempting to connect with an audience overseas by speaking their native language. Intending to welcome them with open arms, he inadvertently welcomed them “with open legs!” He spent hours obsessing over his performance and worrying about what people thought. He encourages us to stop performing, because “…when we fully embrace [God’s] extraordinary love, we simply don’t have time to care so much about what others think.”


13. Disconnecting Knowledge from Action:

Head knowledge isn’t enough. The Pharisees followed all the rules, memorized the most scripture, fasted and prayed, but lived a life without love. Greer shares that there are three necessary components to ministry: head (knowledge), heart (emotions), and hands (action). A balance of the three makes ministry most effective.


14. Pretending to Have It All Together:

People who “do good” tend to be wired in a way that they want to “keep things looking good on the outside no matter how much pain [they] might be in.” This focus on external appearances rather than the heart condition is toxic and prohibits Christians from connecting through their brokenness. In this chapter, Greer vulnerably lists areas where he is prone to pretending to have it all together and offers hope and freedom for those who struggle in this area.


Details We Love

Using the wrong measuring stick to define success is similar to one of the three pillars of True Charity Initiative: The most effective charity is outcome-driven. While many churches and nonprofits tout success as the number of people present, the number of pounds of food given away, or the amount of money given, better measures of success are related to life transformation (i.e., as a result of our work, how many people are reunited with their family, gainfully employed, attending church, paying their own bills?). True Charity Network members can access our Outcomes Toolkit for a detailed guide on how to get this right in their ministry.

The spiritual danger of “Not Having Ears to Hear the Uncomfortable Truth” applies to everyone, both the helpers and those being helped. Additionally, the most effective charity is challenge-oriented. In order to develop, we must be challenged. Listening to uncomfortable truths about ourselves is vital in this change process.

Poverty-fighters are prone to disconnecting knowledge from action; their heads, hearts, and hands are unbalanced. They have the head knowledge and agree with common platitudes like, “We need to give a hand-up and not a hand-out.” They also have the heart or compassion; a true desire to help people and foster life change. But often, the head and heart are separated from what the hands are doing, and they often end up hurting those they intended to help. To combat this imbalance, we built the True Charity Network as a one-stop-shop of educational resources and practical tools to guide people in their efforts toward effectiveness.



This book focuses on the dangers good work has on the helper. Other equally important books like When Helping Hurts and Toxic Charity focus on the dangers that helping has on those being helped. It is to the advantage of the charity worker to learn about both. 

Some might ask, “If doing good can be dangerous to me spiritually, then shouldn’t I just stop doing good?” Although the intent of the book isn’t to dive into scripture about God’s instruction to help the poor, the author does address this in the final section of the book – it is important to remember our “why.” We owe “gratitude to God who knows we aren’t perfect, who recognizes that we are a mess, and who loves us anyway.” Our doing good is “simply a response to the most radical generosity the world has ever known.” Keep doing good!


Who Should Read This?

This book is for anyone “loving, giving, and serving.” Though Greer’s ministry experience has been international, the principles also apply to those serving locally. While applicable to each individual involved in charity work, Greer’s questions at the end of each chapter also make this great for groups.

From the individuals who volunteer at soup kitchens to the CEOs of nonprofits, Greer’s lessons offer an escape from the pitfalls of doing good. Each of us should take heed to these lessons lest we fall prey ourselves.


The Spiritual Danger of Doing Good can be purchased at Amazon. If you purchase the book through this link, True Charity will earn a small amount as an Amazon Associate





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The Purpose of the Book

Change for the Poor provides a philosophical and practical foundation for Christians invested in life restoration for individuals in extreme poverty, specifically those participating in long-term residential recovery.


The Perspective

Through the author’s experience with an addiction that “nearly destroyed” his life, he came to faith in Jesus Christ. God burdened Mark McKnelly’s heart to minister to people in extreme poverty. A former business leader and entrepreneur, he developed a discipleship ministry through his local church. In 2017, he joined the Victory Mission + Ministry team, a True Charity Network member in Springfield, Missouri. He developed the 12-18 month Restoration Program where he continues to serve as leader. The combination of his understanding of recovery on a personal level and his vocational expertise make the wisdom he imparts in this book particularly valuable to those interested in making a long-term difference in the lives of others.


The Key Points

The book is divided into sections based on three vital principles that bring change for the poor: Relationships, Structure, and Accountability.


McKnelly encourages restoration ministry workers to take time to uncover their motivation. A person’s reason to help individuals experiencing material and relational poverty must be driven by compassion and empowered by prayer. If their motivation is “more about serving a need you have in your heart, then the person you serve is more of a project to be completed than a person to be cared for.” Because compassion was the fuel that motivated Jesus in his ministry, McKnelly gently encourages the reader to find something else to do if their motivations are anything other.

McKnelly differentiates three types of approaches to helping people: To, For, and With. The “To” approach is transactional/paternal, like writing a check for a person or project. The “For” approach is maternal, such as moving furniture for a disabled person. Although the “To” and “For” approaches are appropriate at times, he encourages Christian servants that the “With” approach is where true life change happens. It is “highly relational and personal, marked by prayer, heart-level truth-in-love conversations, and wholistic support.” This necessary reciprocal relationship, although challenging, is vital for restoration.


McKnelly emphasizes a highly structured program for individuals in need of restoration. Many in poverty have only experienced chaotic environments with little to no routine, rules, or expectations. He provides detailed information regarding the specific phases of the 12-18 month commitment, including a model for a daily schedule.

The elements of the program are called the “Five Areas of Wholistic Change”:

  1. Spiritual
  2. Relational
  3. Personal
  4. Vocational
  5. Financial

McKnelly gives detailed implementation ideas for each area and emphasizes that ignoring any of the five is detrimental. The graduates who experience long-term success are restored in all five areas.


McKnelly addresses holding individuals accountable to the program covenant agreed to upon Phase 1 entry. Each phase offers an increased amount of freedom, and it is vital to develop and communicate very specific expectations. Although the details may seem like “overkill,” they help avoid frustration and increase the participants’ likelihood of staying out of financial poverty after leaving the program. 

Peer accountability is vital to success. Individuals in higher phases become mentors to the men just getting started. These “Residential Supervisors” are equipped through a four-month-long Leadership Development Training. They learn the biblical principles of addressing conflict and then shadow chaplains who are responsible for having tough conversations when needed. They put their skills to practice when staff and volunteers are not available or present.

McKnelly discusses addressing individuals who fail to comply with the rules, restrictions, and requirements, which are meant to be “protective, not punitive.” He says there are times when additional accountability measures are necessary. These “Discipline and Restoration Plans” are meant to build character and “correct, not condemn.” He provides specific examples of challenging situations he has encountered when these plans have strengthened individuals.

The author outlines the importance of goal setting and “benchmark” meetings every six weeks. Rather than a hurried list of boxes to check, ample time is allowed for individuals to speak from their heart about their experiences in the program. McKnelly offers advice on using grace while speaking the truth and the value of allowing people to experience the consequences of their choices.

What happens when a program participant stops participating or becomes apathetic? According to McKnelly, “relationship supersedes everything in the restorative process.” Accountability and discipline must be done in an atmosphere of love. He encourages program leaders to be willing to “let go of” people who are not yet ready for restoration. Leaders must be willing to see change in a few rather than impacting many people through relief ministries that, although at times are necessary, “don’t break cycles of material and relational poverty.”


Details We Love

Mark McKnelly’s developmental program aligns with all three True Charity Initiative Pillars. The most effective methods in leading people to live the flourishing life God intends is through locally resourced, challenge-oriented, and outcome-driven methods. 

The Restoration Program of Victory Mission + Ministry is focused on implementing challenge, which we believe is integral for any person to develop. Although there is a time when relief is needed in cases of crisis, life change rarely happens as a result of hand-out models. McKnelly’s view of charity as “To,” “For,” or “With” mirrors this messaging. Although it is intuitive that relationships are at the heart of restorative ministry, he rightly concludes that most ministries are transactional rather than relational. He believes, “The deeper you go with the few, the greater potential impact you will have with the many.”

The Victory Mission + Ministry Restoration program holds individuals accountable. Inevitably, there are times that a person must be removed. By doing this in a way that the person knows they are valued and loved, the “change process” is not interrupted thereby allowing individuals to sit with their decision and the consequences that come with it. This aligns with the quote from the 19th Century New Orleans Charity Organization Society often used in True Charity trainings, “Intelligent giving and intelligent withholding are alike true charity.”



McKnelly’s content is excellent as a resource for ministry leaders who work with impoverished individuals in any context. The five program elements, for example, are a great reminder of the importance of each area that requires long-term change in an individual’s life. Most of the suggestions, structure, and real-life examples in this book are gleaned from McKnelly’s experiences in long-term recovery. Although pertinent concepts for all poverty-fighting contexts and valuable information to have, the principles may be less applicable for churches or programs that are just focused on one area (i.e., offering only vocational or financial classes).


Who Should Read This?

Change for the Poor is a must-read for anyone working in restorative, relational ministry. For the person who has been in the field for years, this is a tool for re-igniting enthusiasm and being reminded of the important work to which God has called them. Jamie Myers, Director of Forge, the men’s recovery program at Watered Gardens Ministries, said, “I wish I had this book to read five years ago when I started working in a similar ministry. It would have saved me quite a few heartbreaking mistakes … Restoration is not for the faint-hearted but it is one of the most rewarding ways to serve those who need others to walk alongside them as they build or rebuild their lives. If you are new or seasoned in this sort of ministry, I highly encourage you to read this book.”

Whether read individually for introspection or with a group for discussion, the author provides thought-provoking questions to challenge current thinking and practices, with blanks available for note-taking along the way. For churches or nonprofits starting a new restoration program, these questions will help teams think through their motivations, structure, and processes before launching. For the mature program, the questions will spark conversation regarding effectiveness and inspire improvement.

If you are interested in instruction and inspiration beyond the book’s content, contact Mark McKnelly at for details on scheduling a Change for the Poor workshop. In-depth information including program summary, handbooks, and applications can be found at

Change for the Poor can be purchased at Amazon. If you purchase the book through this link, True Charity will earn a small amount as an Amazon Associate





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The Purpose of the Book

In the opening pages of his book Under the Overpass, author Mike Yakoski encourages his readers to “go past the edge with God” as he did when he embarked upon a bold personal experiment of living among the homeless for five months. His documented experiences serve to illuminate the struggles of the homeless in America, to encourage others to actively pursue ministry to them, and to reflect personally on what it means to depend on God for daily needs.


The Perspective

When Mike Yakoski wrote this book, he was an upper-middle class, Christian college student. After hearing a sermon about being the Christian one claims to be, Mike was troubled that, “I had just driven 20 minutes past the world that needed me to be the Christian I say I am, in order to hear a sermon entitled ‘Be the Christian you say you are.’” He recalled the apostle Paul’s pronouncement in Philippians 4:11-12: “I have learned what it means to be content in all circumstances, whether with everything or with nothing.” That Sunday sermon and resulting thoughts propelled Mike to pursue a quest in order to identify with those who had nothing.

Mike informed his bewildered parents, completed extensive field research with those already ministering to the poor, and (wisely) formed a board of advisors. He found a like-minded traveling companion, Sam, and in 2003, after several months of prayer and extensive preparation, the two began their five-month journey through six cities. They took only the bare essentials – no cell phones and no credit cards. They panhandled using the two guitars they brought with them, which were their only material possessions, and traveled from city to city by bus using the hand-outs given to them.


The Key Points

Yankoski structures his narrative according to his interactions with the homeless within the unique cities he and Sam visited. Daily struggles took their toll: Finding food, a place to use the restroom, and a safe place to sleep consumed much of their energy. He describes the elements they battled, acts of kindness that encouraged them, their panhandling successes and failures, the churches they encountered (the good and the bad), and last, but not least, the homeless souls that befriended them. Common themes emerged:


Homeless people are very rarely treated with dignity. Simple eye contact was a prevalent desire of Sam and Mike, especially toward the end of their journey.


Many churches have turned a blind eye and deaf ears to the needs of the homeless. Mike takes care not to defame churches in general, but he does give compelling details about church members’ indifference toward them.



Every city’s homeless community consists of a variety of beautiful people, requiring attention to the different needs of each. Local, targeted solutions are always best when meeting needs.


Mike and Sam gleaned much from their interactions within each city. Below is a sampling of their stories, which led to a deeper understanding and compassion for this “unseen” community. 

Note: We believe the stories below reveal the indignity of status quo, handout charity versus empowering, relational charity, which addresses the root causes of poverty. See the end of the article for recommended next steps.


Mike began his journey by “easing in” at a homeless shelter, consisting mostly of recovering addicts. Sam prepared with another similar work program sponsored by the shelter but in a rural location. Only the main director knew of their quest. Under intense work therapy, Mike made friends with addicts who struggled to make a life change. One stated, “I mean, look at me. I’ve been a coke addict for more than 30 years. That’s not an addiction, it’s a lifestyle.” The same friend went on, “Who do I have on the outside? All my friends are addicts. My landlord was my dealer, and I used to smoke crack with my boss. . . Where am I supposed to go when I want to start over?

While at the shelter, Mike was encouraged by a Nebraska church youth group. He notes, “Something critical is missing in places that care for the broken and needy if the only people there are also broken and needy.”

Washington, D.C., Portland, and San Francisco

For their first “real” street living experience, Mike and Sam went to the nation’s capital, where they felt the shame of begging, the fruitlessness of their guitar-playing and panhandling, and the frustration of middle-class students, like themselves, condescending to them. In one instance, Mike and Sam were allowed to enjoy an air-conditioned restaurant whereby a small group came together for a Bible study. Upon leaving the restaurant, this group gathered their many leftovers and threw them away, while taking care to avoid eye contact with Sam and Mike, who quickly retrieved the leftovers and ate heartily.

In Portland, Mike discovered the different demographics within homeless communities. While Washington’s consisted mostly of older people and veterans who kept to themselves, Portland’s homeless traveled in groups and most were in their teens and twenties. Mike and Sam regularly battled the elements, struggled to meet basic bodily needs, and quickly learned the unwritten rules of the streets. While here, Mike openly questioned why many churches shun the weak and “sick” sinners, while recruiting the strong but self-interested “well” sinners.

Mike recounted that San Francisco, out of where free love and recreational drugs grew, was crowded with 15,000 loveless, drug-addicted, homeless people. Their fruitless panhandling resulted in severe hunger. They experienced racial divisions, gloomy weather conditions, and the disappointment of standing in line at a shelter with hundreds of others, taking a number, and waiting for hours, only to hear that all beds had been taken. They made friends with many who had mental disorders. “Some didn’t seem to have definite diagnoses to explain what went on in their private mental hells. . . You just know it’s dark in there.” Mike noted his frustration with the lack of concern for the mentally ill, especially.

Phoenix and San Diego

Phoenix’s wide-open geography and extreme heat prohibited travel by foot. They felt the emptiness of having no real community, and their church encounters were disappointing. On one occasion, they visited a megachurch during a concert. They were obviously vagabonds to everyone there, and they were treated as such. Security staff accused Mike of rushing the stage, in an effort to get rid of them. The author sarcastically tells the reader that the whole concert was captured on a beautiful DVD for purchase.

Mike and Sam were in San Diego for only 17 days, but the reader can feel their weariness. Here they met Bob, an elderly, kind, and sickly man whose toes needed amputation, and whose stomach “didn’t work anymore.” The last time they saw him, he was slated to meet his daughter who would take him home to Florida, but they never found out if he made it. They also met an extremely talented musician who traveled on a battery powered wheelchair, “Wheelchair Ronnie,” an elderly man with long white hair. He cursed at everything and everyone in sight, yet, when he played and sang, everyone stopped to listen—and dropped cash into the guitar case—because his performance was show-stopping.

Towards the end of their journey, they again visited a church, where they were invited to a potluck dinner. They were especially refreshed by an older woman named Carla, who was in charge of the event. She announced to everyone that Sam and Mike were her friends, and she made sure they had plenty to eat.


Details We Love

Yankoski understands the value of every individual and that all are created in the imago Dei, or image of God. Every person has abilities; thus, the desire to feel “able” is innate. Mike recounts, “Begging is hard. It’s something you expect hungry dogs to do, but not men and women made in God’s image. The minute you put out your hand, or open your guitar case, it feels like you’re writing ‘failure’ all over yourself. You’re telling everyone, ‘I am unable.’” 

Mike also understands that all have a responsibility to care for those who truly cannot help themselves. His personal interactions with the mentally ill remind us that, regardless of a person’s mental state, every human being deserves to be treated with dignity.



Yankoski clearly notes that everyone should give to the homeless in our communities, even though the majority of them suffer from substance abuse (and mental illness). He doesn’t discuss the barriers to this sort of giving, which might appear to support the addicts’ lifestyles. At True Charity, we encourage effective means, and many ways people attempt to help the chronically homeless are counterproductive. We also believe that homeless people suffer from broken relationships, and those broken relationships are usually the root of their maladies. (See the True Charity University Bonding course to learn more.) Yankowski rarely, if ever, breaches the subject of restoring the individuals’ relationships with others.

Although this book conveys lessons from an experience of homelessness, the author was never truly cut off from friends and family. Consequently, Mike’s inferences of what the homeless need in order to escape their situation are not authoritative, but as one who understood only a portion of their plight. He sparks compassion with his excellent re-telling of his story, but he does not go deep enough with effective solutions.


Who Should Read This?

By its cover, some might judge this book as one carefree college student’s uninformed attempt to shed light on a very complex situation. That is not the case. Mike’s thoughtful research and counsel prepared him to respond with wisdom well beyond his years. His heartfelt and thorough accounts will be enlightening to anyone. People who have never become acquainted with those in homelessness, but desire to serve them, will particularly find this title beneficial. New volunteers and staff for homeless shelters, churches, and other organizations that serve the homeless community might consider using Under the Overpass as a training resource.

The stories in Under the Overpass certainly enlighten us to the problems of continuing the status quo of handout charity. But, how do we implement charitable practices that result in actually overcoming poverty?

Take the next step in practicing effective charitable:

  • Complete the 7 Marks of Effective Charity course series on True Charity University, our online learning platform. The first two courses can be taken at no cost!
  • Learn more about the True Charity Network, an association of like-minded organizations that serve people in poverty through resources that help to learn, network, and advocate.

Under the Overpass  can be purchased at Amazon. If you purchase the book through this link, True Charity will earn a small amount as an Amazon Associate





This article is just the tip of the iceberg for the practical resources available through the True Charity Network. Check out all of the ways the network can help you learn, connect, and influence here.

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Savannah Aleckson
Events Director/Adjunct Instructor
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The Perspective | The Purpose of the BookThe Key Points | Details We Love | Considerations | Who Should Read This?


The Perspective

The Hole in our Gospel is written by Richard Stearns, President Emeritus of World Vision, one of the largest international relief and development nonprofits in the United States. Rich first shares his own “rags to riches” story: Despite his impoverished and dysfunctional childhood household, Rich attended an Ivy League school and climbed the corporate ladder, eventually landing the CEO position at a luxury tableware company. Vulnerably, Rich shares his initial reluctance to leave the corporate world to join World Vision: He had grown accustomed to the cushy lifestyle afforded to him and his family through his position. However, Rich eventually submitted to the direction He felt the Lord nudging him in and changed career paths in an effort to help the global poor. That decision, and the experiences he had in the years following, led to strong convictions about the Church’s unique role in caring for the impoverished, which he shares about in this book.


The Purpose of the Book

Rich asserts that the message of the Bible can be summed up in this way: love God, love your neighbor. However, he claims in The Hole in our Gospel that many American Christians have adopted a watered-down version of the Good News (hence the title of the book) that is personal only, with no redemptive vision for the broken world around. Because of this misunderstanding, the American Church is currently falling short in its God-given task to “love thy neighbor.” Rich aims to correct this misunderstanding and open the eyes of the Church to the plight of the global poor and petition them for sacrificial action.


The Key Points

Christians bear a responsibility to radically love the widow, the orphan, the hungry, and the hurting.

Rich notes God’s heart for the poor and His disgust with religious people who are apathetic to their plight, as demonstrated in scripture. He also points to scripture’s clear mandate to love others in word and deed and laments that Christians appear to be largely failing at this: He cites the fact that American Christians hold 50% of the global Christian wealth while only making up 5% of the global Christian population. Despite this astounding wealth available to us, the average giving of American church-goers is at an abysmal 2.17% of total income; and giving trends indicate that, as our wealth has grown, Christian giving to the Church and to nonprofit ministries has dwindled. Rich compels his Christian readers to ask the Lord to align our hearts with His and act accordingly, loving the poor in highly personal, sacrificial ways.

There are global issues of poverty that present opportunities for impact.

Rich spends a good deal of this book illuminating the most grinding poverty afflicting various parts of our world today, and the grave implications that those issues of extreme poverty have if left unaddressed. For example, Rich cites the fact that more than 3 million children under the age of five die from issues of undernutrition every year; nearly 3 million people die from malaria, tuberculosis, and AIDS every year; and 700 children die every day from illnesses contracted from drinking dirty water. Though these are grim statistics, Rich ultimately takes an optimistic stance, seeing these realities as opportunities for the Church to have incredible impact by alleviating great suffering. 

We must see all our resources from a Kingdom perspective.

Specifically, Rich focuses on three resources: our time, our talent, and our treasure. The emphasis is that God cares about willingness and availability.  Even if we don’t have much in the way of resources, God can use what we give Him in a multiplicative way; it only requires that we submit to Him the resources that have been entrusted to us through radical generosity. He shares several such stories about radical generosity, including a young boy who raised millions of dollars for AIDS victims by shooting free throws and an impoverished woman who pinched pennies for many years in order to make a $1,000 donation to World Vision. Rich notes in all these inspiring stories that willingness is the essential ingredient that resulted in a difference made.


Details We Love

Perhaps the biggest takeaway from The Hole in our Gospel is that the Church needs to step up its game in bold, sacrificial love for our neighbors—even neighbors across the world. We applaud Rich’s clarion call to the Church to be salt and light in a world that desperately needs those, and we wholeheartedly agree that the Church ought to be on the frontlines of addressing social ills in personal, sacrificial ways. Rich’s humility in accepting his past failure to boldly love his poor neighbor allows this message to be gentle yet firm, with no condescension or judgment.

Furthermore, we love Rich’s heart for personal, relational action that sees every person as a valuable creation made in God’s image. At a couple of points in his book, he shares some related guiding principles for poverty-fighting that are spot on. As we engage people experiencing poverty, we must remember the following:

  • Every one of these hurting people is created in God’s image and loved by Him.
  • Every one of these challenges has a solution.
  • Every one of us can make a difference.

These are timely reminders for those who may feel overwhelmed by the enormity of the problems of poverty or who feel unmoved by the plight of the poor: that we each have a role to play in the necessary, attainable progress to help our suffering fellow man.

We also appreciate Rich’s acknowledgment of the complexity of poverty. Especially when it comes to extreme poverty across the globe, it can be tempting to think that relief interventions alone are what’s needed: providing clean water, nourishing food, and sufficient housing to those who need it. While Rich acknowledges that relief may be immediately necessary for those who are in desperate and dangerous circumstances, he also is clear that poverty is complex and requires developmental solutions, even in (or especially in!) situations of extreme poverty. He is careful to note that those in absolute poverty are also made in the image of God and, therefore, have giftings, skills, and capacities that ought to be put to use. Rich puts the focus on creating contexts in which those capacities can be utilized to create flourishing, which we applaud.



At a couple of points within the book, Rich appears to be making the argument that wealth is a zero-sum game. For example, he seems to give tacit approval of former President Jimmy Carter’s diagnosis of poverty: that the main driver behind poverty is the growing disparity between the wealthy and the poor, as the “rich get richer and the poor get poorer.” In other places throughout the book, however, Rich supports the idea that wealth is a tool and not inherently evil, as well as the idea that poverty is complex and not easily diagnosed, but this passage taken in isolation can be troubling. It’s important to remember that wealth, earned legally and ethically, is not the problem that needs solving. Rather than pinning the problem on the gap between wealthy and poor, we advocate the Church focus on solutions to poverty and search for on-ramps for the poor to join the wealth-creation process.


Who Should Read This?

The Hole in our Gospel is, first and foremost, for Christian audiences. More specifically, this is a great read for anyone who has a particular interest in global poverty. If the reader desires a firmer grasp on issues of extreme poverty and the needed interventions, this is the book for you.

The Hole in our Gospel can be purchased at Amazon. If you purchase the book through this link, True Charity will earn a small amount as an Amazon Associate





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Jeff Lofting
Director of Education
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The Purpose of the Book | The PerspectiveThe Key Points | Details We Love | Considerations | Who Should Read This?


The Purpose of the Book

Harvard University. The Pew Charitable Trust. YMCA. Yale University. ChildFund. What do all of these organizations have in common? The answer: They were founded on an explicitly faith-based mission but later drifted significantly from that aim. The cynic in us might conclude that this is just inevitable for every organization. But, it’s not, as evidenced by numerous organizations who have remained “Mission True” for decades; it takes incredible vigilance, though. 

Co-authors Peter Greer and Chris Horst do not intend to heap condemnation upon the above organizations that experienced “Mission Drift” (29). Rather, they are determined to glean insights from the drift that they experienced in order to prevent other faith-based organizations from undergoing a similar fate. More importantly, they provide case studies of close to a dozen organizations that experts identified as remaining true to their missions, rooted in biblical principles. (Specifics on their methodology in determining these organizations are contained on pg. 199.) The vast majority of the book discusses the qualities drawn from an examination of these contrasting organizational examples.

This book provides clear practical guidance to donors, board members, leadership, and staff on how to remain true to the organization’s mission, and even to right the course if that organization is already adrift. In summary, as the authors state, “We want to name and illustrate the causes of Mission Drift. We want to help you clarify the missions of the organizations you most love. And we want to equip you with the safeguards to reinforce and protect them” (30).


The Perspective

Authors Peter Greer and Chris Horst are both in leadership positions at HOPE International, a faith-based nonprofit that focuses on providing microfinancing opportunities to address issues of both spiritual and material poverty. The intended audience is faith-based, explicitly aimed at organizations founded on biblical principles. The all-encompassing theme of the book is that, in order for an organization to “remain faithful to what God has entrusted them to do,” their mission must be clearly defined, reflecting their core values and purpose, and vigorously protected. This goes much deeper than just what an organization does; what they do might be adapted over time and/or according to the cultural context. But, their mission, rooted in biblical principles, does not.


The Key Points

Mission Drift is faced by all faith-based organizations.

Greer and Horst define Mission Drift as a slow carrying away of an organization from its core purpose and identity.

The temptation is ever present, whether it be caused by shifting societal values, the desires of high-dollar donors, a push to “tone down” an unpopular Gospel message, or just the convenience and ease of avoiding what is inevitable—the public (or personal) criticism of those who do not hold to a biblical worldview. As is stated in the book, “The natural course—the unfortunate natural evolution of many originally Christ-centered missions—is to drift” (19).

However, Mission Drift is not inevitable.

This is true even though it is generally an exception that an organization remains Mission True over time. Mission Drift will happen unless we are focused on actively preventing it. Mission Drift happens for various reasons, but Greer and Horst contend that Mission True organizations do the following (27):

  • “know why they exist and protect their core at all costs”
  • “remain faithful to what they believe God has entrusted them to do”
  • “define what is immutable: their values and purposes, their DNA, their heart and soul”

Mission True organizations undergo change, and that doesn’t equate to Mission Drift.

It might seem like Mission Drift is simply an organization changing what it does, but it’s instead a change in why it does what it does. In fact, organizations that don’t change what they do as society changes over time or as they extend into different cultural contexts could actually hinder the “why,” or their missions, from being accomplished. It’s not the “what” that needs to be guarded, it’s the “why.” An organization may change what it does as society changes or depending on the culture in which it’s serving, but it doesn’t abandon its core mission. In fact, the organization will likely need to change the “what” to reinforce its core mission.

All those involved with an organization have a role in its remaining Mission True.

Throughout the majority of the book (chapters 3-15), Greer and Horst detail specific areas in which those in various organizational roles can impact the organization’s ultimate direction. This includes qualities that executive leadership, board members, staff, and donors of any organization, denomination, or ministry can strive for and practice.


Details We Love

One of True Charity’s main pillars is that charity is voluntarily sourced, or privately funded. One of the reasons for this contention is that government funding can place constraints on methods that are personalized to the individual being served, especially methods involving challenge or some degree of reciprocity. This can ultimately result in an organization diverging from its mission and damper the ultimate impact of its efforts.

Greer and Horst emphasize, though, that this is not exclusive to government funding—a draw to drift from mission can also occur as a result of potential funding from donors not aligned with an organization’s mission. It might seem unwise to reject a substantial donation that may have explicit, or even implicit, conditions attached that are incompatible with an organization’s mission, but it’s vital to remaining Mission True. A piece of data that might affirm the resolve to do this is that, according to Giving USA, of all US charitable giving in 2011, only 19 percent of giving was from foundations and corporations versus 81 percent from individuals and bequests (113). (This has changed little a decade later; as of 2021, this breakdown stands at 23% versus 78%, respectively.) Greer and Horst reinforce this point by providing multiple examples of faith-based organizations who have recently rejected mission-incompatible funding and subsequently experienced substantial growth by remaining Mission True.

Another of True Charity’s pillars is that charity is most effective when it is outcome-driven, measuring the actual impact of our efforts in individuals’ lives rather than just the activities we do. Greer and Horst emphasize that this is a quality of Mission True organizations, stating that “what’s not measured slowly becomes irrelevant” (127). Outcomes measurement must be connected to an organization’s mission. And, although it can be challenging to determine how to measure impact and life-change, the authors contend that it is possible and essential to avoiding mission drift, and they provide examples of organizations that have successfully done this.

(Network members: Access the Outcomes Measurement toolkit in the Member Portal to begin refining your outcomes. Non-members: Learn more about the True Charity Network here.)

Lastly, a number of helpful, practical supplements are included in the book, including an organizational self-assessment (46-49), sample documents, form templates, and review questions that can be used for a group study and discussion.



Although one could glean from the examples provided in the book, it might have been beneficial to discuss in more detail how to develop or clarify your organization’s actual mission statement. Although the authors emphasize that an organization can always work to return to their mission, establishing a clear mission statement is foundational. A number of organizations, especially those that are newly formed, may need more guidance in this area.

For fullest impact, whether reading as an individual or with a group, make sure to flip to the review questions (182-188) in the back of the book after completing each chapter. These can provide powerful application opportunities.


Who Should Read This?

This book covers numerous imperatives for all roles and members of a faith-based organization: staff, executive leadership, board members, and donors. Although one could focus on reading only chapters that specifically address his or her role, it would be beneficial to read the entire book in order to understand how all within an organization can reinforce an unswerving commitment to the mission. 


Mission Drift can be purchased at Amazon. If you purchase the book through this link, True Charity will earn a small amount as an Amazon Associate





This article is just the tip of the iceberg for the practical resources available through the True Charity Network. Check out all of the ways the network can help you learn, connect, and influence here.

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