True Charity
- A Framework for Flourishing: A Synopsis of When Helping Hurts
- When Social Capital Moves in Next Door: The Best Evidence on Gentrification
- The Maker Versus The Takers: What Jesus Really Said About Social Justice and Economics
- The Emotional and Mental Health Crisis in Poverty
- A Resurgence of Republicanism: Seizing the Opportunity to Reclaim Self-governance
- Partnering with Landlords for Affordable Housing
- Forgotten Faces: A Call for the Church to Engage the Elderly
- What’s Justice Got to Do With It? How Justice Works With Charity to Uplift the Poor
- After The Storm: How to Shape Our Mercy Ministries for Long-term Success
- Second Chances: Helping Returning Citizens Reintegrate
8 Ways to Share the Effective Charity Vision
In February, True Charity Network members from around the country gathered to chat about “Sharing the TC Mindset with your Team.” As always, our network members had some great ideas!
4 Things Even the Smallest Development Program Can Do Well
Nonprofits often lack the monetary resources needed to operate a large-scale development program. But what smaller organizations lack in funding, they can make up for with innovation and efficiency. Here are 4 simple things a small nonprofit can do to improve donors’ experiences.
Recruiting Clients Ready for Change: November’s True Charity Chat
During a recent True Charity Network forum, members shared that they’ve learned they can’t guarantee any individual will desire empowering, relational services, but they can create a loving, dignified environment and offer real opportunity to those who are ready. Learn how in this article!
Strategic Thinking 101: Why Vision and Goals Aren’t Enough
A strategy is not a vision, a mission, or a set of goals. It is a plan that provides a clear diagnosis of a problem, a guiding policy to address it, and a coherent set of mutually supportive actions.
How and Why One Life Transformation Ministry Helps Clients Get Untangled from the Social “Safety Net”
The U.S. has an elaborate social safety net. What if, rather than catching them when they fall, individuals get caught in the “net,” preventing freedom from dependency? TCI’s Jeff Lofting describes how one organization works with individuals to get untangled and free.
10 Ways Your Church Can Walk with Moms Post-Roe
Post-Roe America: True Charity’s own Avery West explains how churches can respond in this article originally published in The Gospel Coalition.