Have you ever felt like something wasn’t quite right in your charitable efforts? You’re not alone. One team member shares her past struggles and how she’s come to realize there is a trusted community—connected across the nation and united in person each year–linking arms to holistically serve the poor.

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Is your organization equipped to ensure the safety of every child who walks through your doors? From background checks to clear policies and ongoing safety training, practical steps make all the difference. Protect My Ministry shares five ways to equip your ministry.

Photo of depressed hopeless person sitting on ground

Misuse of relief has caused a mental and emotional health crisis among those in poverty. Leading them to go back into a deeper exploration of family-of-origin issues will help them go forward to more complete, integrated healing.

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The growing elderly-isolation crisis in the U.S. presents churches and nonprofits with a unique opportunity to honor our aging Image Bearers. By creating relational communities where needs are seen and met, and encouraging the elderly to use their gifts, we can honor them with the dignity and hope they deserve.

Statue of Lady Justice with scales

Justice is a hot topic with wildly divergent interpretations. Charity is an enigmatic and even questionable virtue to many. This article cuts through the modern moral cacophony and outlines a clear, essential role for both in poverty resolution.

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Not every immigrant is a refugee in true need of asylum, but for those who are, what’s the right response and how can we make sure our intervention is targeted to those who truly need it? Here are some practical suggestions for you to consider for the work in your hometown.