What is material poverty? Is it caused by too many mouths to feed, or too many bodies to clothe? Are scarce resources unable to keep pace with the world’s growing population? The causes of material poverty are myriad and complex, but one thing is for sure: humans are the solution to the woes of poverty, not the problem. As wellsprings of creativity and capacity, humans have the unique ability to create wealth and subsequent flourishing. So how can we meaningfully partner with our materially poor neighbors on their journey out of poverty without participating in degrading handout charity?
Join True Charity Initiative as we watch and discuss the second episode of the PovertyCure series. We’ll discuss ways in which we can promote the innovative capacity of men and women in poverty, with a particular focus on how we can support entrepreneurs here and in developing countries as the wealth creators of their communities. Specifically, we’ll talk about the role of microfinancing and support of SME’s to jumpstart economies. $5 suggested donation for lunch. Seating is limited, so RSVP today!